Monday, March 2, 2009

Weight Watcher's!

So some of you already know that I joined Weight Watcher's at the beginning of February, so I thought I would update you with my progress! I've had three weigh in's so far and I've lost 8 lbs!! I'm so excited! I'm really loving the program so far and I feel like it's something that I can definately do and stick with long term! I have battled with my weight, up and down, for so long and I know there are underlying emotional issues from my past, so I hope this will give me the tools and the motivation to make permanant changes! My dear husband, who has never said a word about my weight as it crept up over the years, is so supportive and wonderful! I still have a long way to go, and I'll keep updating my progress over time! Thanks to all my awesome friends who are so supportive and amazing and have shown me that they care about me know matter what my size is!!

Here are some picture's for my motivation! These are all taken in 2003 right around the time I met Adam!

This one is sideways, but I really like it! That is my niece, Hannah!

These are from Christmas '03 holding my niece, Macey!

That's where I want to be again, I know I have a long way to go! Wish me luck!!


Crystal said...

Great Job! 8 lbs since February is awesome. I still can't manage to lose my finally 8 lbs. Weight loss is hard. And you are right that it is mostly emotional. Keep working hard.

Megan said...

YEY 8lbs. That's awesome! You are so cute no matter what!! I hope i get to sub for bunko again soon so we can chat again. Good job!

The Browns said...

YAY!! Congrats! I'm totally struggling with my weight too! We just joined a gym! hopefully it will help! OH So on your sideways pictures...on your computer, before you upload them (if you have a PC as opposed to a MAC) right click on the sideways picture (do this in Windows Explorer) and click rotate Counter clockwise or or clockwise depending on how your picture is turned. Hope that helps!

welchfamily said...

Hey you are doing a great job!!! I am so excited for you!!! I can't wait to see you this summer!! We will have to go shopping again!!!

Brittany said...

Good Job! I need to go to Weight Watchers with Nanci.

Autum said...

Great! Keep up the good work!

Joni said...

Good for you! You are doing awesome! I am proud of is so hard to be commited to the whole emotional weight loss crap! I am right there with you girl!


Congrats April. You motivate me and inspire me. I think I will give in and join as well. Great idea to post progress on your blog. I might copy your idea. Love ya and I'm cheering for you!

The Sutton's said...

I love, love, LOVE weight watchers!! You are doing GREAT with your weight loss, keep up the good work!!

Kellie :) said...

You are doing awesome. Great job!

Hansen Family said...

I have heard awesom things about weight watchers. you will do great!
I think i should join to!