Monday, April 27, 2009

Messy Baby...

For your viewing pleasure, here are a bunch of shots of my messy, messy baby! He refuses to let me help him eat, he has to feed himself! So needless to say, most of it ends up on the floor, in his hair, etc.! Could he be any cuter?? I don't think so!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Downward Dog anyone??

Isn't he the cutest little yoga baby? Haha! He held this pose for a while, and it seriously looks like he's doing downward dog! I don't do much yoga, but I have started doing pilates, so I'm not sure where he got this from! Such a silly kid!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Birthday

To my Dearest Wife, April.


I'm so thankful for all the hard work you do. You're the best!


Monday, April 6, 2009

How could I have forgotten to post Valentine's Day??

I was looking through my past posts and realized I had forgotten to post Valentine's Day! Oops! I actually have a lot of stuff that I haven't posted yet, so maybe I'll make one big makeup post later! Valentine's Day was a lot of fun! We had a candle lit family dinner and I made garlic shrimp scampi with salad bowls, that had blue cheese, tomatoes and bacon inside them, cheese breadsticks and yummy appetizers. We had some Martinelli's and chocolate dipped strawberries. The roses in the middle of the table are from Adam! We watched Madacasgar 2 afterward and enjoyed spending a fun time as a family!

You can't tell, but the lights were off! I guess I should've turned off the flash!

I caught Daddy mid bite!!

Pardon the pans in the background, but you can't make a holiday meal without making a mess!!

The spread!

Yummy dessert! Chocolate lava cakes!

Cute messages from my darling guys!!