I forgot to bring my camera to my family's dinner on Sat. but we had a great time! It was a lot of fun seeing everyone and getting all the kids together! I love this time of year to reflect on all of the wonderful things I have in my life!
What I'm grateful for:
~First and formost, I'm so grateful for my husband! He's so amazing! He's such a great husband and father. I am so grateful that he wasn't afraid to be an instant father and has been there for Alex for as long as he can remember! There was a time when I didn't think someone like him would be in our lives, but God brought him to us right when we needed him and were ready for him! He is so great with Brayden too!! I love you so much, Adam!
~I am so grateful for my beautiful little boys! I don't know what my life would be without them! They are the reason that I do everything I do! I love them so much and am looking forward to adding some more little one's to the mix!
~I am grateful for my parents and my siblings! They made me who I am today and I have no idea where I'd be without their influence. I'm so happy that my sister's are my very best friends and I can turn to them whenever I need to! I love that my whole family gets along so well and it's so much fun when we get together!
~I'm grateful for the gospel! I can't imagine hom my life could have turned out if I didn't have the gospel in my life! I am grateful that Jesus died for me and that He loves me and my family so much! I am grateful for the knowledge we have and the plan that has been made for us!
~I'm grateful for my in-laws! They're the best! They've been there for us and helped us out when we needed it! They are wonderful grandparents to our children. I'm so glad that we get along so well and that they accepted me into their family so well. I wish we lived closer to eachother though and I'm looking forward to seeing them for New Years!
~I am grateful for our health and my husband's job security! Both are major blessings especially with the way things are right now in the world!
I am grateful for so much more than this, but I could go on and on!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year and I am definately grateful for all of your friendships!!
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